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GE Marine
GE Marine’s family of medium-speed diesel engines includes its L250
inline engine as well as its V250 and V228 engine model platforms.
The engines deliver continuous power, ranging from 1,308 kW to 4,650
kW (1,754 hp to 6,235 hp) and can be configured to meet U.S. EPA Tier
3 and EPA Tier 4i as well as IMO MARPOL Annex VI Tier II and Tier III
emissions levels. Each engine features a high-capacity turbocharger,
efficient combustion design, electronic fuel injection (EFI) and can be
integrated into marine and stationary systems to meet strict emissions
levels. Currently operating in some of the most challenging industrial
environments worldwide, GE’s engines are dependable, long-lasting,
durable and efficient.
Already sold and commissioned by Global Marine 12 engines
- L250 IMO Tier II
- V228 IMO Tier II
- L250 EPA Tier 3/IMO Tier II
- L250 EPA Tier 4i/IMO Tier III
- V250 EPA Tier 4i/IMO Tier III